The last two days have been a roller coaster of emotions for me. On one hand, there’s sadness over the news that my beautiful friend Dana has passed away. But then there’s also anger and sorrow mixed together in one sad moment. I was so close to being a father myself, and now I’ll never meet my own child! So many memories are being wiped clean after losing my precious daughter. And it’s not all bad. There’s a lot good going on too, with some great opportunities for growth ahead of me. Most importantly, there is this girl next door who influenced my life for good. She will be greatly missed, but her legacy will live on forevermore!
The day we met
It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two months since we met. When I mentioned to her that I was dating my best friend Kelly, she promptly asked if I was dating anyone else. I told her that I was with Kelly, and then we became dating friends. We’ve been together ever since. As soon as I saw her for the first time, I knew I’d fallen in love with her from the second I laid eyes on her. However, it wasn’t an instant feelings-you-in-the- Frame-of- Reality relationship. It was an ongoing process, filled with tender moments, sweet exchanges, and heartwarming moments. I’ve been in love with my best friend since we were in our early teens. When we were 16, we were best friends. And she helped me achieve my wrestling dreams.
The first two months after she was born
July and August are hard for new parents to deal with. It’s a no-brainer for parents to have an newborn baby. But for parents of young kids, those months are filled with anxiety and apprehension. Being the parent of a young child is scary enough. But then, there’s the unknown, which is always difficult for new parents. Even after doing the research and finding out what is normal for your child’s birth, you still don’t know how your own parenting is doing. For all the love and support my family has given me, it’s challenging to be a single parent to a toddler.
The second we started dating
The day we met is always going to be one of my best memories. We were teenagers in our early 20s, and we were dating at the time. At 15, we were already dating. We were in love, and we were going to do anything to make that love last. Even though we were in our 20s, we were still in our teens. We had a lot of growing up to do, but that day in May of 2016 was a special day for both of us. It marked a turning point in our relationship. We first started dating as 17 and 18, and we got married in October of that year. We were already expecting our first child—Dana was due in November. We spent the next few months in a state of constant pre-wedding stress. We didn’t even know if we could get pregnant. We were very worried about how our baby would react to our relationship. But when we found out in October that we were pregnant, it was like a light at the end of a long tunnel. They were not sure if we could have a child, but everyone else in the family was pretty much sold on the idea. We were children now, after all, and we were allowed to make plans.
The moment she told me she loved me
I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy or Insightful before in my life. I was in a state of shock when I heard she was pregnant. I didn’t even know she was having a baby girl. I just knew she was getting a little girl and that she was going to love her very much. We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary a few months later, and then we started dating. We remained in a state of high stress until our baby was old enough to walk and talk. Then we could start the process of making space for our new family. That day in May was the first and only time I actually saw my own child. That day, I got to hold my own daughter for the first time. She was so pretty and I loved her so much. That day, I felt so lucky to be a part of my child’s life. We were going to be parents for the rest of our lives. We will never forget that day.
We married in October of 2016
On October 5, 2016, we were married in the disciples of God’s new way. We had been together for seven and a half months when we got married. We were in our 50s, and our new baby was our sweet 16. We had been dating for five months, and it was a civil relationship. We never had a fight and we always treated our kids and each other with the love and respect we had received as kids. That day was special for a lot of reasons. It was our first official day as a married couple. It marked the start of a new chapter in our life together. We have been married ever since. It is the most amazing time of my life.
Life after Dana
It has been a long, strange cancer struggle. For the past few months, I’ve been dealing with extreme anxiety and mood swings. I’ve been looking into ways to calm my mind and lessen the impact of my stress levels. But nothing has been successful in the end. My depression has gotten worse, and I’m struggling to make it through the new year without a friend. I have no one to turn to for support. I have also been dealing with feelings of guilt and self-blame for the way I’ve treated my kids and husband in the past. I have been trying to put those feelings behind me, but it’s a hard task. I’ll remain in therapy for the rest of my life.
A special place for girls like me
My family has been amazing. They have supported me through thick and thin, and they have been there for me when I needed them. From the day I was born, to my wedding day, they have been there for me. They have supported me and taught me things that I still use as a guide today. They have also offered me support when I’ve needed it. They are the best. They have always supported me, no matter what my circumstances were. They have been there for me through thick and thin, and they will continue to be there for me in the years to come. They have been there for me when I needed it. They have been there for me when I needed it.